Tips For Cleaning Up Broken Glass In Your Car

Few things are as disruptive to a day as a broken window in your car, truck, van, or SUV. Not only do you have to deal with the stress of the situation, but you'll have to deal with the mess inside your car and having the window replaced. The good news is that the window replacement can be done easily no matter where your vehicle is – just make a call, schedule an appointment, and the glass technician will come directly to you. Now that you know what to do to replace the window, you can begin cleaning up the mess. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you get every last shard of glass out of the interior of your vehicle.

Tape the Edges

If there is glass remaining in the frame, get some heavy-duty duct tape, a box, safety glasses, and thick gloves. Apply a layer or two of the duct tape to the edge of the remaining glass. Now, grab it and pull. Put the glass in the box and set it aside.

If the window is a moving window -- passenger or driver's doors with windows that open and close -- it's best to leave the remaining glass for the professional to remove. You don't want to damage any of the working components trying to pull the glass out of the door.

Replace Child Car Seats

No matter how much you work to remove the glass from your child's car seats, there's always a chance that a few tiny shards could remain. Don't risk it – replace the car seat. You don't want to continue using a car seat with miniscule glass pieces in the straps. Over time, those little bits of glass can weaken the straps and make them less effective in protecting your child in an accident.

Seal the Window

If it will be a day or so before you'll have the chance to get the window replaced, you'll need to seal the window. Get a roll of high-quality clear packing tape. Begin at the bottom of the window and begin running strips of the tape across the window. Do one strip on the inside, then cover it from the outside. Eventually, the window will be sealed up tight enough to get you through a couple of days.

Don't wait too long to get your broken window replaced. As mentioned earlier, it doesn't have to be an inconvenience – have the technician come to you! Reach out to your local mobile windshield repair experts -- you can also contact companies like Aaron Auto Glass for more information.

About Me

Getting Help When You Need It

From the time I was a kid, I was always on the go. I just love being out and about, which is why I chose a job where you travel a lot for work. Unfortunately, a few months ago, I got some serious windshield damage when I was on the road, and it was really devastating. I didn't have time during my day to take my car into the shop, so I started thinking about who I could turn to for help. I was able to find a great mobile windshield repair shop, and it was really amazing to see how much they were able to do for me. Check out this blog to learn more about mobile repair.



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